Discover the VITA Token

VITA is our governance token, which is used to vote on and govern longevity research funding proposals. Find out how to safely buy VITA, and learn about our Governance and Tokenomics below.

VitaDAO Tokenomics

VITA on Coingecko

The VitaDAO Whitepaper

Read the original whitepaper that charted a course for VitaDAO’s success. Learn about our goals, organizational structure, govenrance, and tokenomics.

Token Distribution

Token Unlock Schedule

The VITA tokens currently governed for distribution as of January 1, 2023 will unlock according to the following schedule. Subsequent governance may adjust this schedule.

DAO Snapshot

The VitaDAO Treasury

Explore a detailed overview of VitaDAO's treasury, spanning crypto holdings, project value, IP-NFTs and FIAT reserves.

A beginner’s guide to buying VITA

1. Get a crypto wallet

To hold VITA and vote on proposals, you will need a crypto wallet that is compatible with the Ethereum or Gnosis blockchain. We recommend using MetaMask.
Tip: Add the Metamask extension to your web browser so you can interact with web-based dapps.
Download MetaMask
2. Buy ETH on Ramp

VitaDAO can only be purchased with another cryptocurrency. Tools like Ramp let you use your credit card to buy ETH, that you can later use to buy VITA, and pay for network fees.

Tip: You must connect your wallet before transacting on Ramp. Only connect your wallet to sites you trust.
Go to to buy ETH
3. Buy VITA on Uniswap

Now it’s time to visit a decentralised exchange like Uniswap to purchase VITA using your ETH. Once you have VITA you can vote on proposals at

Tip: When you transact on the Ethereum chain, you will pay a network fee (‘gas’). Keep a little ETH aside for gas.
Go to Uniswap to buy VITA

For an in-depth beginner’s guide to buying VITA, check out our step-by-step article on the VitaDAO blog.

Buy VITA on Ethereum

Buy VITA on Gnosis Chain

CoW Swap / Gnosis

Buy VITA on CoW Swap

Buy VITA on Optimism