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September 26, 2023
$VITA Goes Optimism
Tired of Ethereum's sky-high fees? 💤 We've got good news! Become a VitaDAO member on Optimism and enjoy lower gas fees.

June 30, 2023
VITA-FAST — Revolutionizing Governance in Longevity Research
This marks the first-ever opportunity for token holders to directly influence longevity research, setting a new precedent in the field of decentralized science (DeSci).
June 12, 2023
Introducing VITA-FAST: Govern and Engage In Viktor Korolchuk Lab's Research as a VitaDAO Member
Imagine having a direct hand in the future of longevity research. Today, we're thrilled to introduce VitaDAO's innovative approach to scientific research funding...

April 18, 2023
Beginners Guide to the VITA Token
Holding VITA tokens is an important step if you are looking to become an active contributor to VitaDAO's governance. VITA is the governance token our contributors use to vote on longevity research proposals, and direct the overall course of the DAO.

August 25, 2022
Maria Marinova
Set up MetaMask and receive your first VITA tokens
Set up MetaMask and receive your first VITA tokens
March 25, 2022
VitaDAO x PrimeDAO partnership
PrimeDAO is building tools that turn DeFi into a cooperative ecosystem.